Educational Experiences with Desert Creek Corn Snakes
One of my greatest joys is being able to offer educational experiences about snakes to others. I go to schools, preschools, cub scouts meetings, boy scouts meetings, youth groups, and birthday parties to share my corn snakes. I discuss why it’s ok to like or not like snakes depending on your preference and comfort level. I help kids understand that everyone has fears and we respect people when they say no, such as to petting a snake. We discuss local wildlife and teach that we do not approach or touch any snake we find outdoors. If you find a rattlesnake in your yard, call the fire department or The Arizona Herpetological Society to safely relocate them. In schools, my presentation includes their habitats, and where these snakes are native to the U.S. At the end of each presentation, I bring out several corn snakes from hatchlings, and yearlings, to adults for the groups to pet. As of this writing, I have always had a student or child brave their fear to pet one of my corn snakes!